Dig Deeper with our New Ballroom Workshops

By: Deborah Lim
How are those Ballroom classes going? Group classes are great to get started learning to dance, or learning a new dance style. It’s fun and social as you learn with others who are at about the same level.
If you want to get deeper into your chosen dance style, have you considered our Thursday evening workshops? We’ve been running these for years and they’re great for diving deeper into Ballroom. This term, we’ve made an exciting change to the way we run these workshops.
Clear your Thursday evenings at 8:30pm for Ballroom! Every Thursday, we will alternate between offering Ballroom workshops and Ballroom Social Dance Parties. On workshop weeks, there will be TWO simultaneous workshops in one particular ballroom style to help elevate your dancing.
In Studio B, the workshop will be geared for beginners, learning more basic techniques and concepts. Upstairs in Studio D will be a second workshop in that same dance style but more suitable for intermediate and advanced students, where they will be refining technique and increasing their performance abilities.
This term, we’ll be running workshops on Hustle, American Rumba, International Rumba, American Waltz, Viennese Waltz, American Bolero, International Samba, American Cha Cha, and Night Club 2-Step.
Just as before, we’ll host Ballroom Social Dance Parties every other Thursday. Take advantage of this ongoing opportunity to test drive the techniques you’ve learned in your group or private classes and workshops from the previous week!
If you’ve been to one of these Dance Parties, you’ll know that these are relaxed social events where people can dance with others who are also learning, other teachers, and with new partners.
So come join us at Joy of Dance to learn new things in Ballroom or to practice what you already know. Both the workshops and dance parties are only $12 so get your groove on every Thursday evening at a workshop or Dance Party!
Deborah Lim fell in love with the beauty of ballet as a little girl. As an adult, she rediscovered ballet and other forms of movement and dance. She’s dances at Joy of Dance, taking classes in Argentine Tango, West Coast Swing, and the RAD Ballet Program.