10 Ways to Scratch that ‘Dance Itch’ Between Classes

Sometimes, that one hour a week dance lesson just isn’t enough. You want to get your dance fix whenever a moment presents itself! Fortunately, there’s plenty to do (especially in the summer) to keep you busy.
1. Check out new dance steps on YouTube.
Nobody said you couldn’t keep learning outside the studio, right? While you might want to save the technical details for your instructor, the internet is a great place for inspiration and increasing your repertoire of moves.
2. Head out to the local club.
Virtually every day of the week in Toronto, there’s a Latin or ballroom club open for business. Taking advantage of these local haunts is a great way to build endurance and practice, all in the name of fun.
3. Attend a studio social.
Many dance studios have weekly or biweekly socials you can attend for about the same price as a club, and usually with a more welcoming atmosphere. Even if the other students are a bit shy about dancing with you, the instructors won’t be.
4. Do your ‘dance homework’.
Okay, it might not be fun, but at least your teacher will be happy with you. Remember that by training new skills into your body, you’re helping yourself evolve into the dancer you always wanted to be.
5. Watch a dance show or movie.
There’s countless musical classics, dance themed-movies, or old episodes of DWTS or SYTYCD out there, just waiting for you to immerse yourself in their world. Take a 2-hour break and brush up on those classic and current dance legends.
6. Check out old competitions online.
Want to see how your competitive favourites are doing? A quick search online can help you find out – and if there’s any new moves they’ve picked up that you want.
7. Watch a live performance.
Especially in the big city, there’s always a performance of something going on. Even if you can’t find anything in your genre, try watching something new. Absorbing dance styles from other cultural backgrounds is a fabulous mind-stretching exercise.
8. Grab some friends and a boom box.
Head down to the beach or the local plaza, and get your dance on! While this activity isn’t recommended for the shy dancer, dancing outside can be an invigorating experience – just try not to collide with passerbys.
9. Search for new dance music.
Never is dancing easier than if it’s to a song you love. scour the internet for the latest hits and emerging artists. Be the one who found that up-and-coming songwriter before anyone else.
10. Plan for the upcoming festival or intensive.
Those weekend-long dance intensives can be expensive, so start budgeting! The sooner you start cutting back on coffee or extra movie nights, the easier it is to save what you need to attend – and it’s a perfect to reward yourself for your thriftiness.
About the Author
Ian Crewe has been dancing ballroom for over 18 years, and has a Licentiate in American smooth and rhythm. His passion for dance eventually led him to blogging and the World Wide Web. Ian currently teaches at the Joy of Dance Centre, Toronto, ON, Canada.